Archive for February 2014
The Artist of My Eye: Monica
0Wednesday, February 5, 2014 by Luna
Hi there! Today the Artist of My Eye's name is Monica. She is a fourteen year old teenager living in Mexico City, so she doesn't make art for a living yet. I have a feeling she will though, or probably a computer technical expert on making awesome graphics. I mean, how does a fourteen year old already self-design her own blog? I know those little side drawings on her blog are hers because Monica has shown her art in posts. On the bottom right are the side drawings (they're actually buttons).
And above is the logo. At first sight, it seems like the First Lemon blog. In Mexico, lima means lemon in Spanish. Monica is bilingual (she speaks Spanish and English), so naturally she confused lima with lime. That's how the First Lime was born, which is the name of Monica's blog. But if you speak Spanish, you might say, "I thought lima really did mean lime and limón meant lemon." I speak Spanish too, but not Mexican Spanish. It's probably just the dialect.
Well, anyways, Monica is very inspiring, even more so the First Lime. I highly recommend following her blog!
A drawing of a hand and a technology tutorial
0Monday, February 3, 2014 by Luna
This is my drawing of my right hand when I hold the pencil. I know; I don't hold the pencil right. If you want to make your drawings like this without Photoshop, this is the method I used.
1. Take a photo of your drawing. I used an iPad.
2. On my iPad, I uploaded the photo to an image hosting site (Postimage).
3. On a desktop or laptop, type the link the image hosting site provided you for the photo.
4. Save the photo on your desktop/laptop computer.
5. Resize the photo on PicMonkey as needed. Or you could do this on Pixlr Express.
6. Play around with the effects on Pixlr-o-matic for the photo to alter the photo as needed. (This is an OPTIONAL step.)
7. Use the Pixlr Editor for your photo. Trace over the lines with the pencil tool, hide unsightly shadows using the paintbrush tool, etc.
Yay! If you've followed these steps, I'm sure you have an awesome touched-up picture that looks like it's been Photoshopped!
A cool little PowerPoint slide I made out of boredom
0Saturday, February 1, 2014 by Luna
Multiple points of view...
0by Luna
I am going through a pointillism craze as we speak! For those of you who don't know what pointillism is, take a look at the young girl holding a glowing yellow sphere that is apparently the sun, because the image formed from these tiny points is called Touch the Sun by Sakura Chrno.
I'm not sure if I have enough patience to endure painstakingly covering a vast canvas with tiny dots that make up a solid image, but I am making colorful patterns on regular blank paper in the style of pointillism. I'll show it to you when I'm finished.
Here's Starry Night, the famous painting by Vincent van Gogh, and this is an especially dotty night.
Category artist, artwork, cool art, dots, pointillism, sakura chrno, starry night, touch the sun, vincent van gogh